Tracking Tip Card
This Weatherproof plastic tip card gives dozens of examples of different animal tracks, their size, and the animal to which they belong. This is a perfect addition to an emergency survival or hunting kit, as it helps you identify any animals, you're on the trail of. A perfect addition to a mini survival kit, get home bag, bug out bag, or Altoids survival kit.

Animal Print Reference Tip Card
Animal prints not only tell you what animals are in your area, but also their size, and often how close they are based on the freshness of the tracks (mud being wet or dry for example would tell you the tracks age)
Completely waterproof so you don't have to worry about being outdoors, or keeping them out of the rain.

UV Resistant
Sun exposure is not a problem with the Animal Track Reference tip card.
Credit Card Sized Tip Card
This Animal Track Reference tip card is small enough to fit along with dozens of our other survival tip cards in a wallet slot, or Altoids survival kit